Sanda’s competitive history is rooted in barehanded elevated arena or Lei Tai fights in which no rules were observed.
— Wikipedia

Chinese Kickboxing

Chinese kickboxing is a Chinese self-defence system and combat sport, a system of unarmed combat that was designed by Chinese Elite Forces based upon their intense study of traditional martial arts such as traditional Kung Fu, Shuai Jiao, Chin Na and modern hand-to-hand fighting and combat philosophy to develop a realistic system of unarmed fighting for the Chinese military. Chinese kickboxing employs all parts of the body as anatomical weapons to attack and counter with, by using what the Chinese consider to be the four basic martial arts techniques:

  • Da – Upper-Body Striking – using fists, open hands, fingers, elbows, shoulders, and forearms.

  • Ti – Lower-Body Striking – including kicks, knees and stomping

  • Shuai – Throws – using Wrestling and Judo-like takedowns and sweeps.

  • Chin-Na – Seizing – which includes joint locks and controlling techniques.

Total Body Workout

Chinese kickboxing offers a total body workout, working all the muscle groups, helps to improve fitness levels, increases general wellbeing which leads to enhanced good health. If taught correctly Chinese kickboxing is a progressive fitness and self defence system.

For those that wish to progress through the ranks, we offer a full grading syllabus as well as a comprehensive fighter training programme.

Modern Chinese tournaments appears much like Kickboxing but includes many more grappling techniques. The generalised modern curriculum practiced in modern Chinese kickboxing schools is composed of different traditional martial arts fighting styles from China, but mainly based on scientific efficiency. Chinese kickboxing is composed of Chinese martial arts applications including most aspects of combat including striking and grappling, however when Chinese kickboxing was developed as a sport, restrictions were made for safety reasons as well as to promote it as a non-violent sport.

Family and Adult Classes

Whether you are looking for a class that offers a good cardio workout incorporating self-defence techniques, competition training and/or a full grading syllabus. We can meet your needs.

We have family (parents train for free) and adult classes available.

All Classes are conducted in a fun, enjoyable and inclusive training environment.


  • Women's Kickboxing, Monday, 19:00-20:00, St. Werburghs

    Teacher: Sarer (£7.50)

    St. Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St Werburghs BS2 9TJ

  • Men & Women’s Kickboxing, Thursday, 19:00-20:00, Cotham

    Teacher: Les (£7.50)

    Cotham Gardens Primary School, 18 Cotham Grove, Cotham BS6 6AL
